Tailcone Complete!
Andrew and I got the final line of rivets done and I installed the seat belt harnesses. Ready to move back to redoing the elevator trim tabs!
Andrew and I got the final line of rivets done and I installed the seat belt harnesses. Ready to move back to redoing the elevator trim tabs!
I got quite a few of the rivets done myself but there were some I needed help on. I got my son Andrew to help me out with it. Only had to drill out his first rivet so he did good! I’ll river the skins to the longerons tomorrow and Read more…
I only had a small amount of time tonight and then it’s going to be a week and a half to two weeks before I can get back to this since we are going on vacation. I finalized the rear deck and I loaded all of the rivets into the Read more…
I got a manual squeezer which was able to get into the areas I needed. It kind of bent the rivets over in some cases which I don’t understand why it was doing that. I had it straight on to the rivets, but I couldn’t tell if it was bending Read more…
I spent quite a bit of time with my son Brendon today getting the side rivets completed as well as the bottom rivets. We had to drill some of the rivets that were done yesterday as well as today out as he was learning how to keep the rivet gun Read more…
Spent most of the day today getting these rivets done. Got my son Brendon involved who did a good job at running the rivet gun. Luckily we both have a music background so we based his count on 1.5 beats at 60 bpm. LOL
She’s starting to look like a tailcone again after yesterday’s work! I got the final F-1012 bulkhead put together and then I got all of the bottom and side skins put together with the frames and bulkheads. I got the front section of the stiffners riveted and then I just Read more…
I got a tiny bit of time tonight to work so I was able to complete the F1011 Bulkhead and install the nutplates for the F-824B cover plates in the side skins. I had to figure out what to do since it didn’t call it out so I dimpled the Read more…
I was lucky on Monday and Tuesday to get a good amount of time to dedicate to working on the plane. I dimpled a large portion of the side skins myself and I then got both of my boys to help me out with the rest of the dimples. Luckily Read more…
I finally got a block of time today to work. I got the dimpler out and I got the top and bottom skins dimpled. Not much else to report here. I did get a chance to involve my daughter for the first time as she helped me hold the bottom Read more…