Wing Rib Fluting Finished
I finally got through all of the ribs today. Had some sore fingers trying to adjust the ribs but it all came out good!
I finally got through all of the ribs today. Had some sore fingers trying to adjust the ribs but it all came out good!
More time spent working on the ribs. I didn’t get as much time this week as I am working on getting my son back up and driving again. Luckily the wreck didn’t hurt them, but the car is totaled. A friend of mine found a similar Civic which has a Read more…
I was only able to get a few ribs fluted tonight and straightened with the 30 minutes I had tonight after doing my preassessment exam for my accounting class for my MBA. These were way better than my horizontal stabilizer ribs. I only had to make a few corrections so Read more…
I got started early this morning and finished the tie down attachments, primed everything, and then riveted it all together and torqued the bolts down. I got all of the parts for the next section out from the attic and I’m ready to move on to section 14! One thing Read more…
I got the inboard nutplates and rivets set. I also got the tiedowns started. I need to attach the nutplates to those, tap the hole for the appropriate size, prime it as well as the small areas on the wing spar that I countersunk and then rivet it all together. Read more…
I got all of the nutplates installed and I got everything countersunk on the spars. I also got the single plastic bushing installed that will go to the stall warning sensor, which I might not even need since my pitot has an angle of attack sensor in it and it Read more…
Just more drilling and countersinking. Not much of an update. Got all of the countersinking done for the nutplate holes and the skin rivet holes.
I finally got both flanges with the J-channels completed as well as drilled out the rest of the holes that the instructions asked me to. Took quite a bit with all the clecos but it is done.
I spent two hours tonight to just destress from the past few days of preparing to speak for an assignment and prepping a class for today and just worked on the plane. Not too much to state but I match drilled everything that I was supposed to on the bottom Read more…
I got the spar extension parts deburred and primed. I also went ahead and cut all of the J channel stiffeners but I realized it was going to take alot more work to get those ready for priming so I put them to the side and riveted the extensions on Read more…