Detailed Avionics, Paint, and Interior Research
I was trying to get everything more fleshed out in terms of how things will look in the interior, exterior, avionics, etc. Specifically with the avionics as I want to make sure that if I need to install any servos, antennas, sensors, etc. that I am getting them installed at the most opportune time.
I started off with the interior as that seemed to be the easiest to start making decisions on. The Aerosports company has some really good looking panels and center consoles that I want to make sure to include in the build so I decided they might be the best place to get the entire interior from. You can see more what I selected, but I specifically liked the quad center console as well as the overhead console.
I think started looking at the paint job. I sent a few emails and Planeschemer came back with a very quick response! I’m imagining that it is a canned response, but it was nice to get access to more of their example work that would give my wife and I an opportunity to see what we wanted to select. We are definitely looking more towards blue as the main color, which I think this scheme I’ve already found but with a dark blue instead of the dark red would be excellent.
I like that it has plenty of white and grey/silver with the black accents, but then having some dark blue like a midnight blue pearl.
Then on the avionics I found a really excellent website that a builder documented the exact layout of his avionics. It gives me an excellent starting point to figure out what components I need to start planning for and I’m including his research here just in case his site goes down.
Strikhedonia’s Garmin G3X Avionics Schematic Drawing Post
This layout was very well designed. The one change I would like to make is to push the middle screen further up and try to fit in a GTN 750Xi. I would also have a second radio that is able to receive NAV signals so that I can do true IFR with two NAV radios. The GTN 750Xi would have one COMM/NAV radio and I plan on getting a GNC255 as my secondary COMM/NAV radio. If that changes then great, but the remote COMM unit that the G3X has seemed to only be a COMM radio. I would push down the autopilot and put that second radio just below the GTN 750Xi and put the audio panel just above the autopilot.
I added all of these new items to my cost exploration spreadsheet so you can see what the up to date info is.