Trim Tabs Completed and Installed
Finally I finished the trim tabs and they were true and straight this time. I Installed them and I also got the static ports installed too. Over all a good night and glad this is done now!
Finally I finished the trim tabs and they were true and straight this time. I Installed them and I also got the static ports installed too. Over all a good night and glad this is done now!
I got the static ports drilled but the back side was way too deep for me to get the nut on the back so I’ll screw those in tomorrow. I did all of the priming and assembly of the trim tabs today. I stead of putting them in the wood Read more…
Super hot today so didn’t work as much as I wanted. Supposed to be 90 tomorrow so we’ll see. It is prepped for priming and assembly at least.
The trim tabs arrived later than expected. They didn’t come until Thursday which I had other stuff that ended up happening that night. So I finally got a chance to work on it all today. I got the skins bent to their proper angle and then I got the ends Read more…
Eric called me yesterday stating he did not feel well. This will delay the inspection which is fine. I started working on the trim tabs again and I noticed that the trim tab spars are laser cut parts. I looked and saw burn splatter in quite a few places as Read more…
I only got 15 minute but I wanted to document it. I got the tape on in the places the manual asks us to so that I can buff the area where the foam ribs will be glued. I need to double check the measurements before I actually sand it Read more…
I finally got a new print out of the templates for the trim tabs. I glued them to the foam and cut them out last night. I did much better on them this time around as I knew the pitfalls with my machinery and also with my impatience LOL. I Read more…
Got my first hour of rework done on the trim tabs. I needed to recover some of the parts that I could salvage which was the hinge and the clevis horn components. I hit Vans up for a PDF of the foam rib templates so hopefully they answer tomorrow so Read more…
I finally finished the elevators! I will have to come back and redo the trim tabs. It appears when I drilled the end rivet holes I got them off. There is a pretty bad twist in BOTH of the trim tabs. Not a big deal, I’ll just order new parts Read more…
I spent some time on Saturday and Sunday getting the trim tabs sealed up and I at least drilled the holes for the elevator side of the trim tab hinge. I’m going to have to wait until Thursday to do the rest of the hinge drilling on the trim tabs Read more…