Laser Cut Parts Issue & Delayed Inspection
Eric called me yesterday stating he did not feel well. This will delay the inspection which is fine. I started working on the trim tabs again and I noticed that the trim tab spars are laser cut parts. I looked and saw burn splatter in quite a few places as well as all of the holes were not perfectly circular. I’ve since ordered new spars but that’s going to take a week or so to come in so that puts that on hold. I’ll keep working on the skins to get them perfect and I’ll use the current spars that I have to help me get the folded edge right at least. The parts for the trim servo mount arrive tomorrow so I’ll be able to continue on that while I wait for the spars to come in.
I did have to redo my taping work from yesterday. I knew I shouldn’t have done work in haste as I was off on the measurements. I sat down and meticulously got the lines exactly where they needed to be and I scuffed up those areas for the glue to take hold.