Day 3 – Rear Spar and Spar Caps Reordered

Published by olanandkate on

July 10th, 2020

Page 6-2: Step 4

I’m glad I found my mistake early on in the build. And it reinforces to me the absolute importance of reading sentence by sentence and understanding exactly what they are expecting. Also… Don’t have preconceived idea of what they want either. My first mistake was when I was clamping down the rear spar caps to the rear spar. I totally forgot that I had these clamps in my tool box that I could use.

Cleco Clamps

In my haste to get started I just head the rear spar cap against the rear spar and drilled a hole in the middle. I then clecoed that and went on my way. Well little did I know that as I was going along, drilled out material was building up inbetween the two parts, creating a gap. Thus the rear spar and the rear spar caps didn’t truly meet flush like they should have.

Holes are slightly off if you put the spar caps exactly where they are supposed to be

My second mistake was drilling the #40 holes with a #30 drill bit. Probably not a huge mistake and I could have just used the 1/8″ rivets, but I want to follow the instructions exactly to the point, as I am pointing to here in this image.

But I did get some work done today! I got the VS-1008 piece completely deburred and I also got some additional clamps that I hope will help out in scenarios such as this.

Irwin Miniature Quick-Grips

All in all, I am still very positive about the build, even though this was just the first few steps in the build LOL. I knew this was going to be my down fall, and something I need to change anyways. This is a $49 dollar lesson as I wait for the replacement parts to come in.

This will give me some more time to continue rehab with my shoulder anyways, as doing this work was pretty stinking difficult without the use of my shoulder the way I wanted it. I would use my left hand to basically grab things close by or to push down on parts slightly, but it was pretty useless LOL. Luckily my first physical therapy visit went well today and they were surprised at how well I’ve already progressed just resting at home. So here’s hoping I get through this therapy quickly and fully recover the use of my shoulder as I’ve been missing it dearly for the past year and couple of months since I hurt it.


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