Day 1 – Initial Cuts – Vertical Stabilizer
July 8th, 2020
Page 6-2: Step 1
I was cleared by my doctor today to do some very small movement of my shoulder. I didn’t waste anytime getting into the garage to get started on the plane 🙂 I honestly did not use my left arm much but to guide parts through the band saw or to run it through the bench grinder for deburring.
I got the initial cuts done on parts VS-1014 which turned them into VS-1014-L and VS-1014-R. I fitted the deburring wheel to my bench grinder and got the long exposed edges deburrred on all of the vertical stabilizer parts. Hopefully tomorrow, I will get the bits cut for my detailed deburring tool and get those small areas done so I can cleco everything together and start match drilling.