First Build Hour

Published by olanandkate on

I just recently had rotator cuff repair surgery so I’m not going to be able to do too much with the build for another month or so. But I did want to go on ahead and get everything organized and ready to go.

I had my boys take all of the parts that I wouldn’t be using upstairs for long term storage. We stored them in reverse order so that I would be able to access parts as I need them.

I also spent some money to buy some organizing units and I split up everything into individual part numbers. It will help me find things down the road. Here are a few pictures to document the progress. I also removed the protective covering from all of the parts so that I would have one less thing to worry about when I start cutting, deburring, etc.

I spent about 4 hours in total doing all of this organization. I need to figure out how I’m going to document the work hours to each of these posts. Luckily I have a few weeks to worry about that. LOL

Harbor Freight 40 Bin Organization Units
All the rivets in a single 20 bin organization unit
All future parts stored away upstairs
Parts ready for work


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