Rudder Trailing Edge Riveted

Published by olanandkate on

Before all of the travel we had planned for the Mother’s Day weekend, I decided to button up the trailing edge of the rudder as well as get the spar riveted. I was able to use the squeezer for most of the spar, but there were a few places that I didn’t have enough depth to the yoke I’m currently using so I had to break out the rivet gun and bucking bar for those. I tried to use my trailing edge squeezer set but I tried it once and it was creating some odd looking rivets so I decided just to do the backriveting the way they explained it in the manual. There were a few places where I attempted to rivet it too much and created some circle indentions from the backrivet bottoming out against the rudder. I tried to keep that to a minimum but I kept trying to get my rivets perfectly flush instead of just enough. Either way, it was a long and tedious day but the rudder trailing edge looks awesome for my first time if I do say so myself!

Trailing edge and spar riveted in place!
Some of the marring I was talking about. I thought it wasn’t flush so I tried a few more hits and ended up with these beauties.
First attempt at rolling the front edge. I’ll have to get some better tape because it kept either letting go or tearing.
Categories: Empennage


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