VS Front Spar Riveting
I was a little hesitant on getting the riveting done on the front spar between the upper and middle in-spar ribs. That was a tight area and I didn’t want to bend anything. Luckily I was worried for no reason. I pulled quite a few clecos out, but I did what the instructions said which was only pull out as many as you need to get in. Sadly I have thick arms so I had to pull out quite a few, but I just made sure that I had a cleco in every single hole along the front spar and about five clecos down the in-spar ribs. The only thing that bugs me about the work that I’m finishing now is the dimple on the skin. It doesn’t appear that the dimple and the rivet are meeting flush at the very lip of the rivet. I’m going to have to look up the tolerance for this before I move on and end up wasting a ton of time having to drill out rivets or start from scratch. Luckily I’m not too opposed to starting from scratch on these pieces because I would prefer it to be built right than to force forward shoddy work.