Van’s Builder’s Support and Organization
I’ve been extremely busy with church related activities as well as trying to improve my own processes while building. I am constantly dealing with my poor organization of my hardware (minus really my aviation hardware which gave me an opportunity to try things out). So I finalized organizing all of my hardware so I have more space to store tools and other items out of the way while I am building, like my bench vice, grinder, bench sander, etc. I also organized my clamps which was simple with just a 2×4 with some pocket screw holes added to my existing cart, which this also cleared out more space for tools. I also put in a shelf on the wall for my larger items like my drill press and bandsaw so I don’t have to store it out in the shed and it will be close by for me.
I also got a call done with Van’s builder support. They were extremely helpful and deep in their explanation on the design of the airplane and other things. Long story short, the hold I drilled accidentally is fine to be left there. I will just need to swap the hardware for the nut plate from the MS21051-L08 to the K-1008. He said I can use a spare piece of aluminum as a backer for the nut plate to go against on that side since there probably won’t be enough material in that place. I’ll have to take a look at that closer when I get a chance. The other item had to do with the holes for those nutplates being close to the edge. He stated that this is acceptable since it is just holding the nutplate in place and that they had changed the design of the part. So I am good to build on and not replace any parts! Hopefully here soon I will get a chance to get more time allocated to this when I finalize my capstone for my WGU MBA in Information Technology here soon!