Tailcone Stiffeners

Published by olanandkate on

This has taken quite a bit of work. I could only think of a cutoff wheel to cut these stiffeners but I did not like the inaccuracy of the cuts. I tried to keep it as close to 45 degrees as much as possible but doing this free hand was not easy. I was hoping to try to get a miter saw blade that would work on metal but I feel those would tear at it more than truly cut it. Either way, they are all cut and deburred.

I got the edges marked for the rivet line and then I realized I didn’t verify that it was set to 5/8 inch by placing a rule on the line. Sadly, it was off by a sixteenth so I had to erase those lines and redo the work. LOL. I got a third of them remarked and I’ll finish the other two tomorrow. I will say that I need to find a better way to mark a straight line on these parts. I’m using a combination square but I can’t mark more than 1 1/2 inch at a time. In wood working, I could run my speed square down a board but the speed square doesn’t go down as far as I need it, plus I don’t like running that metal against the parts which would scratch it. Sadly the combination square is also leaving a few marks here and there when I am not careful enough. Either way, I hope to be done with this tomorrow and see what we have in store next.


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