Elevator Counterbalance Weights Installed

Published by olanandkate on

I got a short amount of time last night to get the weights trimmed a bit more and install them. I’ve never worked much with lead, but it was amazing how easy it was to cut. I got a box cutter to trim the burrs off of the edges and it cut through it super easy. Amazing how well that worked! I even took the advice of some people from the Van’s Air Force forum and used a chisel for the large amounts that I needed to trim. That also worked really well, but I’m glad that I used the bandsaw to cut the major parts as I think the chisel would have taken forever for that work. I was surprised they didn’t have a torque spec for the bolts so I just got them snug (not tight, but snug; which was more difficult to get snug than you think since the holes through the weights were pretty tight and it was hard to judge that)


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