Backorder has arrived!
My backordered VA-140 arrived a month or so ago and I finally started back up on the build. I took a break from building to get a shed built in our backyard. This was going to free up more space in the garage and it has been a huge help!
I got the VA-140 cut for the right elevator and I final drilled every hole on the skin to the substructure. Final drilling always takes the longest, especially when I have to put a cleco in every hole per the instructions. But the right elevator is almost caught up to the left elevator when I put it away for a bit. I hope to have these parts done before the end of April. I ordered my wing kit in December when I realized the kit delivery dates were almost a year out. Luckily though they have moved the date up to June or July but I want to get the empennage kit finished before it all arrives so it’s time to get to the grindstone.