Additional Lights & Tools
My second shipment of lights has finally arrived. I’m not sure why they are shipping all three lights in different boxes, but oh well. It was easy to add this second set of lights and oh man it has gotten nice and bright in the garage! I will definitely not have issues with seeing what I’m doing out here while building. LOL
I also got my first two orders or tools from Cleaveland Tools in. I should have just ordered them all at once, but I had originally thought “I’ll just order some of the tools necessary to do riveting and the learning kit to see if I would like putting this thing together.” Upon receiving the training kit and just reading and imagining putting this thing together, it got me super excited and I just knew I would want to do this! I love putting things together and especially when it has to deal with aviation, I’m all in! I have always loved working with model planes and putting those together, fixing them, tweaking them, etc. Granted this is alot bigger, more expensive, and definitely requires precision and attention to detail, but I think I’m up for the challenge!
The final shipment of lights and tools are supposed to arrive tomorrow or possibly Friday. I’m excited and I’m almost done reading the book over a few times for the training kit. Once I feel comfortable and have all of the tools setup, I’ll start working on the kit. It doesn’t go into much detail, but I think there is enough there to get the job done with some additional research from other websites and books.