Left Wing Ribs Riveted and Bolted
I finally got some chance to sit down and work on the plane. I’ve been researching a few items and looking on how to tackle some things. I first got the pitot static system tubing ordered. I also got an ELT (who knows why LOL. It probably won’t be installed until another year or so.) I did find a 3d printed fitting to hold the 5/8″ wiring conduit from Van’s as well as the two pitot static tubes that will need to return from the Garmin AOA/Pitot tube. I had a friend at church print them (Thanks Nathan Dobie!) and I am going to install them soon, I just need to get the washers in so that I can rivet them to the lightening holes in the ribs.
I went ahead and riveted almost all of the ribs on the left side wing today. I got the flange and the web riveted to the ribs from #12 all the way down to #1. I still need to see how they want me to attach ribs 13 & 14. It states that there are four rivets to attach it but I have 6 holes…. And no bolts go through those ribs, so I need to figure out if that’s a possible misprint and they meant 6 or if I need to only rivet a few holes for something down the road. It doesn’t specify which holes so I’m leaning towards a misprint but I want to know for sure so I’ll probably see if Van’s is open tomorrow to see if they can provide me with an answer. I also went ahead and widened the holes for the originally wiring location just in case I need to use them in the future.