More HS Skin Riveting
It has been a long while since I last worked on the plane. I’ve not had much time and I probably need to see how best to use an hour here and there to do this build. I had a good three hours today (11/19/2021) so I got after it. I left this off when I riveted the nose ribs into place and got the front spar riveted. I then noticed that I did not fully rivet two nose ribs and I would have to remove the front spar to get to them again. I drilled out most of those rivets but that is where I left it in June. That was three hours worth of work there.
Fast forward to tonight and I fixed my mistake with the unriveted nose ribs and got back to where I was plus some. I got a good row of rivets done on the front spar flange to the skin. Tomorrow I will have quite a bit of time and I Hope to complete the front spar flange riveting and hopefully start on riveting the mid-rib flanges.
I did make a discovery on these two different mushroom rivet heads. The one surrounded with rubber requires quite a bit of force to seat the head to the skin. I’ve found it easier to use the standard mushroom head to get some decent looking rivets that are very flush with the skin.
Here are the results of tonight’s work.