Top Skin Dimpling Complete
I got some time tonight before church to dimple the last of the left wing skins. Now I just need to prime the parts and I’ll be ready to get started on riveting them this weekend.
I got some time tonight before church to dimple the last of the left wing skins. Now I just need to prime the parts and I’ll be ready to get started on riveting them this weekend.
I spent a good amount of time finishing the right wing skin which is ready to go now for priming and riveting. The left wing ribs and spars are also completed. Not much else to report at this time.
This will probably go over multiple days per wing but I got all of the dimples completed for the largest skin on the top of the right wing today. Alot of monotonous dimpling while listening to podcasts. I noticed I’ve not been including enough pictures with me in it per Read more…
Finally got a chance to work on the plane without having to worry about school work. I’m sooo close. I got all of the counter sinking completely done where the skin doubler and skin come together as well as the #8 screw holes. I also was able to finish the Read more…