Elevator Trailing Edge Work

Published by olanandkate on

I got the trailing edges sealed up today. I put the pro seal on on Friday and it sat all weekend long until today to cure. That was basically just over 36 hours. I’m getting better at trailing edge work, but I still slip with too much pressure through the rivet gun and end up marking the skin around the rivet with the back riveting set. The back edge was very straight on both of them. One had a very slight bow downwards in the middle of it, but it was VERY minimal, but noticeable to the naked eye. I did notice one additional oddity. On the right trailing edge on the outward side it is slightly bending upward. The edge is straight but it’s straight up a tiny but. It’s so weird because the skin is pretty flush on the end, but I guess it’s off just enough to make it curl up a bit on that end. But again it’s straight along the back end and I doubt these small errors will cause any major issues. I will say, I am curious how much it will affect the mating up of the elevator tip with the elevator itself since it has that small curl. But we’ll see when the time comes I guess.


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