Day 15 – Reassembly & HS Parts

Published by olanandkate on

September 28th, 2020

I didn’t do too much work today as I was trying to determine if I could fix the trailing edge of the rudder skin or if I should reorder it. I put the rudder back together to check fitment after doing the dimpling and the rudder trailing edge is ok, but I’m just not sure if I like it. With my C-frame being too low originally and causing that cupping around the dimples it makes it a little wavy. But after sticking a cleco in each hole it smoothed out alot. I’ll have to re-read the instructions too but I thought there was also supposed to be some pro-seal that went on the trailing edge and I feel that if I rivet it down and then put two boards on it and clamp it together for a good period of time it might fix it. I don’t know, we’ll see and I’ll do some research on how best to flatten the skin.

I also spent some time gathering up the horizontal stabilizer parts as I wanted to get that completely ready to go as well so that I can spray the parts for the vertical stabilizer, the rudder, and the horizontal stabilizer all at once rather than mixing a little bit of primer here and there. I even might do the elevators too to get them to the point where they can be primed. Either way it was good to get all of this put together and to check things out.

Rudder back together after dimpling everything
Looking down the trailing edge. You can see a little bit of the waviness in focus
It’s so pretty to look at everything in line. The OCD side of me is very happy.
All of the HS parts (minus the skins) are gathered together
Categories: Empennage


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